I went with my little sister Cyndi. She'd never seen any of the Star Wars movies, so when we got there at 7:50 a.m. for the 9:45 a.m. showing, I caught her up on the other movies.
We didn't see anybody dressed up as Darth Vader or Obi Wan, but we did see a little kid dressed like a Jedi. I know I know...there's a need that I must fill and I intend to dress up as Obi Wan one of the times I go to see it.
At any rate, let me tell you about my friend Mark Zappia. He and I used to work together at the City of Hesperia and he's who got me into Star Wars. I'd never really cared before I met him, but once we started talking about it I was infected by his passion for the stories and I never turned back. With the new found appreciation for the saga and having seen Episodes I and II separately, we decided that when Episode III came out that we'd see it together.
Mark and I haven't talked a great deal since I left the City of Hesperia, but we've kept in touch through the occasional radio conversation or the chance meeting at a water district/department function. Every time we've spoken though, we've talked about Star Wars in some form or another. I call him Jedi Master, for he taught me the ways of the fire hydrant force.
Now, amazingly, when we sat down and were waiting for the movie I caught site of my old friend Mark Zappia walking through the theater with his five year old son. A padawan who'd turned jedi a long time ago called out to his master, with whom he'd parted ways a long time ago. Two old friends, who said they'd see the movie together, by chance, saw the movie together.
Having my little sister there, experiencing the thrill of Star Wars for the first time, and my old friend that gave me the inspiration to experience Star Wars so long ago was more than I could've ever asked for. And there Mark was, with his little boy, bringing him into the world of Star Wars too.
So, my thoughts on Star Wars? It was a movie worth remembering, because I got to share it with people I love.
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