Tuesday, May 15, 2007


Today I bought my Creative Labs Zen Vision: M. It was just over 200 smackaroos. As exciting as purchasing it, I’ve had a very uninteresting time with it so far–it came without a charge on the battery. So, I’ve been charging the thing all night.

Admittedly, I’ve played with it a little tonight. I got it charged up just enough to be able to play around with it for about five minutes, but that’s not near enough time. Tomorrow will be the true test of usefulness.

Why did I get it you ask? I got it primarily because I wanted rewind and fast forward. I know, that’s a seemingly weird reason, but let me explain. Wanting to listen to multiple sermons in a day I needed a player that could read in mp3 format, so I bought a CD mp3 player. It works fine, but I quickly realized that it didn’t have a rewind or fast forward built in. Sermons are about a half hour to forty five minutes. Sometimes, I can’t finish one in a single sitting or I miss something and want to hear it again, but I can’t rewind to hear it again and I can’t simply restart a sermon and fast forward to where I left off.

This dilemma led Maggie to the decision that she should get me an iPod style mp3 player for our anniversary. Unfortunately, she didn’t know enough about them to pick one out that I liked, so she told me her plan and said, “Buy what you want.” This led to a significant amount of research and eventually the decision to buy the strongest (in my opinion) of the players. I purchased the Zen. Now I have to determine which music service to use. If you have suggestions, I’m interested. Leave some comments.

Monday, May 14, 2007

A Good Week…Now Back to the Grind

I had a week off from college and I used my new spare time to write. I got a lot written on my book, but now college is back in session and I’m too tired to write tonight. It’s a sad feeling, but I’m going to try to work it in more.

Yesterday was Mother’s Day and it was a lot of fun. First, we went to Maggie’s parent’s house and ate steak. Then, we came back home and ate 24 hour marinated grilled chicken. I’ve decided that I really like Mother’s day, Father’s day, birthdays, and any other celebration day for other people because I get to eat really good food. ;-)

Aside from the food, it was really nice to be able to pull off a big get together with nine people, and have it all turn out fun and genuinely enjoyable. As far as I can tell, everyone had fun, they liked the food, and my mom and grandma got to enjoy a day dedicated to them. That, my friends, sounds like a success.
