Christmas Time is Here
The season has finally arrived and tomorrow is the big day. Maggie wants to wait fifteen more minutes and open presents, but I told her we have to wait till morning. She's sometimes too cute for her own good. I can't let her open the present I got her until Christmas morning, otherwise the morning would come and she'd be sad cause there wouldn't be anything to open. I'm excited about tomorrow as well. I can't wait to see the expression on her face when she sees what I got her and I can't wait to see what she got me. I'm really looking forward to spending the day with my family and eat prime rib....mmm. It's my favorite time of the year.
Only problem with this time of the year is that I haven't had time to do much lesson planning for Sunday, but I have confidence that I can get it done. Friday is a day off and that is where I'll catch up on things.
We saw the Return of the King today and I must say that it is the awesomest movie I have ever seen in my life. The effects were brilliant, the story delivered a power packed punch, and Legolas is awesome. We saw it today with Mike. It was his third time seeing it. His first time seeing it was in IMAX theatre down at the Edwards by the Mills. I envy this accomplishment, but seeing it on our local screen was still good enough for me. Really awesome movie and I recommend it to everyone to see; and if you don't like it, don't tell me, cause I'll think you're a psycho for the rest of your life.
Alrighty then. Well, I hope you all have wonderful Christmas days and take time to remember who it's really all about. I love you all.

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