Christmas Concert and Tree
I forgot to mention Saturday night and the Christmas concert. For those of you reading this that don't know what I'm talking about, we went down into Azusa and watched and listened to Azusa Pacific University's choir sing. I must say that that was the most enjoyable performance I've seen from them yet. We go every year and it's always a great experience, but this time the jazz band made a special appearance and really "jazzed" things up. The bass player was the most impressive. He moved up and down the neck of that giant bass and danced while making an awesome sound. So yeah, the concert was great. Afterward we went to Benni Hannah (uncertain of the spelling). It's Japanese food prepared right in front of you. Great show and great food. The only thing that let me down was that there was just not enough fried rice and the steak got cut into giant pieces. That's not the greatest thing when you only have chop sticks. Makes it very hard to cut the steak. Anyhow, we spent the evening with family and had a heck of an enjoyable time. I look forward to that every year and this year gave me even more to look forward to.
In answer to my mother's question pertaining to the tree: no, we have not yet had time to pick one out. I think that next weekend will be the appropriate time, unless something else is planned that I don't know about, or we're just to dang busy, or Jesus comes back. So, hopefully next weekend will be our moment of dead, dirty, and spidery tree adoption. There's just something about having a real tree though, it's just better that way.
I went to Target yet again tonight in an attempt to find more of the same Christmas lights. Need I say that I found none? Well, I found none. I asked about them and they told me that there would be a shipment coming in tonight and that tomorrow would be my magic day. I can walk in, go to the Christmas light section, and get the Christmas lights I need. Pray for me. I ended up going to both Targets, and Wal Mart looking for them. I came to a conclusion tonight: the worst Target is not as bad as our Wal Mart. I must have faith now that tomorrow is my Christmas light day. By the way mom and dad, Margaret at Golden Gate Chinese says that since you guys don't come in anymore she doesn't like you either. :-)

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