Tuesday, October 21, 2003

Mike just left. It's very nearly bed time now, so I won't go into great depth with this entry. Has anyone heard about that Terri Schiavo lady in Florida whose being starved to death? Today Jeb Bush, though advised not to, stepped up and called for the woman to be given fluids to preserve her life till something more can be done. Go to the story. This is truly a tragedy. Even a dog wouldn't be treated the way this woman's been treated. She shows signs of interaction with the outside world, but doctors say it's only reflexive actions and not really true thought. They say that she's completely brain dead, but I've watched video of her on Hannity and Colmes and am fairly convinced there's something there. I strongly believe that she should be provided with treatment and therapy, just to see if it's at all possible to help her. It's been a major issue on the news lately, especially the Christian talk shows. I'm dead set against such inhumane treatment of a human. If they're staying alive because you're feeding them and giving them water, then they're not on life support. It was her husband's decision to stop feeding her and let her starve to death. I think it's sick, cruel, and cold. Her parents are having the worst time of their lives right now. The husband was given the right to the decision, but the parents are dead set against it. I think that any decent human being would allow the parents to take over the care of her. He's already remarried and having children again. In my opinion, he views her as some kind of an anchor and is desirous to disconnect her from himself. It's a sad story.

Looks like I made quite an entry regardless of the time. Oh well, I said something good for once. It's been awhile.

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