It's a rather large task I'm undertaking. You might know that I'm working on an epic book series. The gist of it is the story of a kid who discovers that he can do some pretty extraordinary things and because of it, is whisked away to discover a completely new world.
Though, the new world isn't exactly new. While it was previously unknown to the character in the book, this world still has an enormous history. Likewise, the people who live in it also have histories. So, the amount of background that must be generated for the book series is tremendous. I've read and heard the advice that a writer just needs to start writing to get the story down and then he can go back and work out the details, but that's not so easy. The details largely govern the story. They must be carefully thought out, tuned, and applied to sustain the world the story takes place in. There are rules that must be clearly defined that apply to angels and demons, humans and animals. The background of different peoples makes a difference in who the characters interact with. The placement of the original, gifted Makers of the other world is imperative since they play a role in both the history and the current story.
In total, the planning has taken months of work and effort. The decisions are still not completely made, but I'm close enough now to having it all figured out that I've begun writing the main story. It's pretty exciting to start the actual storyline, but I still fear that the loose ends might eventually force me into a rewrite. Let's hope not.
Even if I do find myself rewriting it, I'm so confident that this book is buildable and genuinely marketable that I won't give up on it. I hope to have at least the first book written by the end of 2010. This should include personal revision and editing along with outside revision and editing. If all goes well Atomorphism's practicioners, Duncan Wallace, Maccabeus MacMillan, Obed Benaiyah, Hadwyn Adams, Taylor Lafayette, and Anna Timber might become common household names.
Just to get your curiosity going, here is a very small portion of my notes (this is not a complete list):
- Refracting light to appear invisible or different.
- Flight
- The language Nahbi.
- Restoration and regeneration of self.
- If an atomorpher is injured he can heal himself. If he loses a limb, he can replace it.
- Deific Studies.
- This is the study of God and his Bible along with the teaching that it is by Him that all things are done. This is a required course of study for all atomorphers.
- Soul Combination.
- This discipline centers around the creation of new creatures. By combining animals there is a mixing of souls and instincts, thus the name soul combination. This discipline requires great care since the wrong combination can result in an improper and sometimes destructive match. The instinctual behaviors must compensate for the new physical structure of the creature. This is related to the study of the Creatures of the Dunamae.
- Dunamae studies.
- The study of the evil sect of atomorphers. These dark and demented practicioners pervert the skills that God has given them in order to further the rebellion and destroy, if possible, the atomorphers.
- Demon Channeling.
- Demons can assist with fortune telling, the manipulation of dark matter, mind reading, tormenting targets, ancient knowledge, greater agility and skill, and control over animals.
- Philosophy.
- The Dunamae philosophy is a dark and mysterious set of half-truths and servitude under Satanic authority. Some are bought by deception while others partake with full knowledge of their rebellion. The belief system is not discriminatory. If a dark atomorpher or Dalmatia (deceitful lamps; vain brightness) is well intentioned and believes in doing the work of God, it is not beneath the Dunamae to accept, through deception, this recruit. Any manipulation of truth--any deception--is admissible to further the rebellion.
- Weaponry creation.
- The art of knowing how to create forged steal, perfectly machined guns, and explosives from sand or whatever is available.
- Mechanical study.
- For the creation of machines. An atomorpher can, for instance, build a respirator in a serious emergency.
- Elemental Manipulation.
- This is the manipulation of weather, water, fire, ice, electrical current, and wind. Weather manipulation, like stopping a storm, requires either a long string of Nahbi, or tremendous concentration by multiple atomorphers. Note that Jesus calmed the storm simply by commanding it to be at peace without using the Nahbi language. That's because he's God.
- Transfigurement.
- Changing the physiology of oneself into some other form.
- Perception.
- The ability to sense when another is capable of atomorphism. This is particularly useful for Seekers who seek out children for the school.
- History.
- The study of atomorphic history. The history of Sethesus. Many Nonatoms become historians.
- Dunamae defense.
- Atomorphers must be prepared for the violent and destructive powers of the dunamae. This study brings the students into a knowledge of the strategies that exploit the gifts for killing, hurting, and manipulating others. The stratagem must be known to counter it. It is a tempting study for some to become Dark and even for some to consider being a dunamae. Simply speaking of the deceptive qualities of the sect can inadvertently draw those that are not careful into it.
- Creatures of the Dunamae
- This teaches about the creatures made by the Dunamae and how to defend one's self from attack by them. These creatures, like the Gothrokar, the Tibla, and the Rykon are deadly unless Atomorphers are trained to counteract them. These creatures were made for war and are thus terribly deadly. This discipline is related to Soul Combination.
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