So we had this conversation last night while driving around looking at Christmas lights. It was totally awesome. We drove over the Hesperia in the new developments and looked at lights. We were saying how we like to do that 'cause it gives us ideas for our own Christmas display. One of the best parts was going to Starbucks and getting hot chocolate and peppermint mocha coffee. Mine had peppermint whipped cream, which was awesome. Then we drove off to Hesperia and enjoyed Christmas.
Tonight, Cyndi and Darion came over. In fact, they're playing their Wii right now while Maggie reads and I blog...haha... We don't need to entertain each other all the time. We can pretty much just hang out and do our own things or do stuff together and nobody's bothered.
We gave Darion his birthday presents tonight. We gave him Call of Duty for the Wii, some Magic cards, and a card collector's album. He likes it all a lot. I can always be sure he likes what he gets because I enjoy the same stuff.

Speaking of Magic cards, I've taken a liking to the game. It was always one of those uncool things in highschool where if you were caught playing Magic you were labelled a dork, but now that I'm out of highschool and I don't have to care about being judged anymore I can play(only kidding, I totally would've played in highschool if someone had introduced me to it).
Tonight Darion and I played and the game lasted for a long time. Dinner was ready and we had to just stop playing before we even finished. It was lots of fun.
Anyway, now Darion and Cyndi are leaving, so I'm going to say goodbye. Thanks for reading.
Note to self: Maggie made stew tonight and it was DELICIOUS. Don't ever think you didn't like it, cause you did.
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