Winchester 1300 Defender

Well, I've recently been out shooting lately. Until two weeks ago, I'd never shot a gun, but thanks be to Scott, he took me out. I've now decided that I need to buy a gun of my own, so after looking around a lot and learning about the different guns, I think I'll probably be buying the one you see here.
I've wanted to go shooting since I was young, but things never worked out. Time passed and I told different people I'd never shot a gun and finally Scott set up a time and a place. I was there. My first shot I hit my target, which was a clay pigeon (they look like mini frisbees and are thrown into the air as moving targets), but, after stunning everybody with my beginner's luck, I didn't hit my next five. It was one of the coolest experiences I've had in a while.
Now that I've gotten a taste for it, I'm very excited to purchase my first gun. I'm still considering a hand gun as a first, but the shotgun is the less expensive of the two and I found one I liked right away. We'll see what becomes of it.
In case you hadn't noticed, I haven't been updating a lot lately and others, which I badgered to post in the beginning, have. Out of guilt and a desire to come back to the blogger world, I've returned with a new and improved style and a kick butt return post. (It's kick butt because it has a picture)
Look forward to more frequent posting. L8z.
Testing my new comment system.
Oh, come on, Steve, I have a blog devoted entirely just to pictures! Well, yes, it's cool you have a picture on this entry, but I mean, you really just need to update more and you won't have to try to make your entries flashy! ;) Love you Steve! :)
Cool beans, like I said, love the new lay-out. I look forward to more frequent posts...not to complain, but don't you prefer the haloscan comments? I like how they open up in a new window.
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