Being a dad is a big deal. I've never felt this kind of love, this elated, and this worried in my life. I'd swear I'm going gray faster than ever right now. I've been telling people that I couldn't have explained what it's like to myself before I had him. What a difference from then till now in who I am.
Baby Caleb Michael McLain was born on October 5, 2009 to two ecstatic parents. He's laid back and cool, hardly cries for longer than a minute or two, and sleeps a lot. When he's awake he'll stare at you. He likes to look at his tree in his bedroom because of the contrast of brown on white. He smiles from time to time and laughs in his sleep. He's got dimples. He's actually a cute baby--as opposed to those babies where you're like, "Oh...it's a baby..."
The next years, I'm sure, will fly by in a second. I'm trying to really treasure every moment I have with him right now. I told Maggs this morning that they grow further away the older they get. Pretty soon he'll be independent enough to crawl around and get into all kinds of mischief. He won't lay on my chest for hours while I work anymore. That makes me sad, but I know that as time passes I'll get to know him more and that, even though our relationship will change, each step will be a new and awesome experience of its own. The specialness won't go away.
It's amazing how much I love this little kid that I didn't even know a few weeks ago. Maggie and I are in a new and exciting chapter with our little family. Now we get to experience a new life.