I started this story back when I was thirteen or fourteen. If you find it interesting, follow the link to the whole thing that I have written. Hint at characters, Mike is me, Daniel is my friend Josh Beel, and Gerad is my friend Mike Keith. So, these characters were based off of friends. Let me know if you think I should continue it. I thought of it because Cyndi and I were talking about our stories that we've written after watching the movie "The Forgotten." Good movie, kind of reminded me a little bit of this story.
Chapter 1
I was sitting at the top of a hill which was high enough that my small home town below could be seen in its entirety. It was a clear night; the moon was full and brightly lit. I sat and watched my town. The lights all over the city could be seen. It was fairly quiet that night. I gazed downward. This was the place I came to do my thinking. I had come here often, every night in fact for the past about year I'd lived in the town, I'd sit here and think up stories to write, as this was my profession. I had been a writer for four years, I was just out of college and thought writing would be a nice career since I'd been fairly good at it. One book I had written had been published; it brought me some good profits. I usually wrote fictional stories, but this I had to put on paper.
I'd come up to that hill often, but nothing could've prepared me for what I was about to see. I sat, motionless, it was very peaceful. It was a warm night, in early spring. The air was calm. Perhaps I had taken all this for granted, because just then a feeling overwhelmed me, it was undeniable, something was different, something was terribly wrong. I stood up trying to figure out what it was and just as I did, an almost blinding flash of light came over the sky. I still to this day cannot remember what happened after that, the only thing I recalled next was waking up, still at the top of the hill. A cold breeze filled the air. The moon was no longer out and it was eerily dark. I stood up, and to my disgust, I cracked and popped. It was apparent that I had been lying there for a long while in the cold. I didn't recall the flash of light or anything, so I simply began toward my home, utterly confused.
The next morning I woke up, only to the sound of a scream. It sounded like it was coming from next door. I hurriedly put my clothes on and as I did I remembered what had happened the night before, but I dismissed it as a mere dream and nothing more. Once I was clothed I rushed outside. The scream worried me, I had to find out what was wrong. As I ran next door I noticed a girl, perhaps my own age, on the porch. She was on her knees, her face in her hands. She was quite obviously crying. I slowed from a run to a walk and approached her. She took her face from her hands and looked at me. She was beautiful, despite her reddened eyes and tearful face. Through the tears I could make out the color of her eyes, they were blue, like the dark color after a heavy rain in the sky. Her hair was a light brown shoulder length, she was beautiful.
Suddenly she began to speak. "He's gone!" She cried.
I looked at her, "Who's gone?" I asked.
"My father..." She dropped her face back into her hands again.
"Where did he go?" I asked softly. I had no idea what to expect or assume. She tried to raise herself. I could see she had trouble so I helped her up, she was weak, no doubt from this emotional state.
"Please...come in..." She said, "I'll show you."
"Hang on a sec, rest for a little while, and then you can show me." I looked around for something she could wipe her eyes with, I spotted a handkerchief in my coat pocket, I pulled it out and gave it to her. She sat down in a chair and wiped her eyes.
"My father..." Her voice showed the effect of the tears. "He was gone when I came into his room this morning."
"Couldn't he have gone out this morning?" I asked.
"Well, no, the reason that isn't possible is because he can't walk. His wheelchair is still in his room." She paused, wiped her eyes again and continued. "I walked into the room this morning and he was gone. The wheelchair was where I left it last night. I screamed when I knew he was gone. I ran outside, looked around, and started to cry. Then you came." She fell silent then.
"May I take a look at his room?" I asked. I did not know what I would be looking for, but I would try my best to make this girl happy again. It never crossed my mind that I would meet my neighbors in such an odd way. She stood up, she was stronger now.
"This way." She took me to his room.
"Thank you." I said. I looked around the room, everything seemed normal. There was no sign of struggle. I walked to the door and opened it made a very loud creak. I realized it had also done so when we had entered the room, but I hadn't taken notice.
"He couldn't have gone through the door," she said, "It would have awakened me."
I looked around the room and took a notice to the window. Could he have been taken through the window by someone? I had just suggested a kidnapping to myself. But wouldn't he have made any noise? I examined the window. It was locked from the inside. Suddenly my eye was caught. All around the window were slight burn marks. "Where did these come from?" I asked.
"I don't know." She looked at it closely.
"Come with me, I'll take you to the police office and you can file a report." I said. She began toward the door.
I took one last look at the window before we left. There was a black charcoal substance all around the seal of the window.
I stood up and took a few steps backward. "Okay, we'll take my car." We walked outside and over to my car. I let her in and then proceeded to the driver's side of the car. I sat down and put the key in the ignition. I turned it. it cranked, but did not start. "Hm, its never done that before.." I said. I turned it again, it cranked again and almost didn't catch, but it did. Although momentarily confused, I didn't think much about it, it had started. I pulled out and drove to the police station.
Surprisingly, there were a lot of people in the station. We waited our turn. When our time came we approached the officer. I began to speak. "We're here to..."
"Let me guess..." the officer cut me off. "you've come to file a missing person's report?" His face looked almost sarcastic.
"Yes, how did you...?"
"How did I know, well, let's see, you're about the twentieth person in here today claiming the same thing. Looks like every person sixty years and over disappeared last night." His expression changed to a confused one.
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