Friday, April 16, 2004
And so they went the direction sent. Toward the crest of Mountain Blessed. It seemed like fall, the grass was tall. The leaves were dropping and growth was stopping. Their walk was good and not without, people stood and walked about. They walked for hours and passed by plowers, children running, old men sunning, girls were playing, smiles displaying, women working and young men smirking. The path was olden and the sky was golden. Soon it was dark and they found their mark. They'd stay the night untill it was light. They gathered some wood and started a fire, and there they stood and talked till tire. They all found a place to rest from their pace. They slept through the night, but woke up with fright. It was the next morning, and there was a roaring.
Tuesday, April 13, 2004
The massive man nodded and then further prodded, "Why are you here?" His attention drew near.
The ten spoke again, "We were sent by Thod, to venture the odd, he learned from a dream of this great seam, so he gathered we ten, the greatest of men. He promised great fame because we came. He sent us in stealth, and gave us our wealth, eager to learn at our return." So we ask that you tell," said Lord Mel. "the purpose behind this immense find."
The massive man spoke, "I do not know, nor do most folk, there is one though."
"Tell us who and tell us where, we'll thank you and then go there," the ten requested with interest invested.
"Some say he's all mad, and others just a tad, his name is Mr. Hatter, so says the chatter. From what I hear, he has no fear. His mind is vast, and his wit is fast. He lives beyond the crest of Mountain Blessed, down the damaged path, and within the cave of wrath. Three days travel will soon unravel the answer you desire."
The ten spoke again, "We were sent by Thod, to venture the odd, he learned from a dream of this great seam, so he gathered we ten, the greatest of men. He promised great fame because we came. He sent us in stealth, and gave us our wealth, eager to learn at our return." So we ask that you tell," said Lord Mel. "the purpose behind this immense find."
The massive man spoke, "I do not know, nor do most folk, there is one though."
"Tell us who and tell us where, we'll thank you and then go there," the ten requested with interest invested.
"Some say he's all mad, and others just a tad, his name is Mr. Hatter, so says the chatter. From what I hear, he has no fear. His mind is vast, and his wit is fast. He lives beyond the crest of Mountain Blessed, down the damaged path, and within the cave of wrath. Three days travel will soon unravel the answer you desire."
The massive man questioned, "What must be mentioned is each of your names. No time for games, let's hear let's hear."
They lowered and bowed and called aloud, "We call ourselves the ten, lords over many men. Heros of renown and known in every town. Each has a name and his own fame." Each gave his name in order of fame: Lord Greg of the Great Land of Deg, Lord Red of the Valley of Dead, Lord Dar from the Plains of Ramar, Lord Beck of Tenendeck, Lord Smitt from Beldormitt, Lord Rahl of the Caverns of Paul, Lord Kink of the Shadow Gulf Brink, Lord Mel of Taverdel, Lord Grin from the Halls of Tin, and finally Lord Hector of the Hero's Sector. Put the order to the test, I know they're numbered least to best.
They lowered and bowed and called aloud, "We call ourselves the ten, lords over many men. Heros of renown and known in every town. Each has a name and his own fame." Each gave his name in order of fame: Lord Greg of the Great Land of Deg, Lord Red of the Valley of Dead, Lord Dar from the Plains of Ramar, Lord Beck of Tenendeck, Lord Smitt from Beldormitt, Lord Rahl of the Caverns of Paul, Lord Kink of the Shadow Gulf Brink, Lord Mel of Taverdel, Lord Grin from the Halls of Tin, and finally Lord Hector of the Hero's Sector. Put the order to the test, I know they're numbered least to best.
Monday, April 12, 2004
I learned in a dream that there was a seam along the beltway of time. I heard there were men a number of ten. Each a great lord with his own sword. Here in the seam they journeyed the beam and found there way down to the massive man's crown. He chuckled and turned and that's when he learned that it wasn't a feather but boots made of leather belonging to ten great men under whom no one had been.
Tuesday, April 06, 2004

Tuesday Night Apologetics Annonymous
Well, tonight was apologetics and it went really well. There were nine of us all together tonight (Me, Maggs, Scott, Leah, Cyndi, Jessica, a new guy named Mike,--a friend of Leah and Jessica's--Steve and Candie. I thought there would be more, but the smaller number of people didn't let me down. The topics varied, but I'd say we benefitted and gained more understanding about God. One of the first topics brought up was whether or not the serpent in Genesis 3 was actually Satan or not. The truth is, we don't know if that was the case since it never really says, however, in Revelation 12:9-"The great dragon was hurled down–that ancient serpent called the devil, or Satan, who leads the whole world astray. He was hurled to the earth, and his angels with him.", and Revelation 20:2-"He seized the dragon, that ancient serpent, who is the devil, or Satan, and bound him for a thousand years.", it seems to point to Satan as being the serpent. So, it seems to say that the serpent in the garden was Satan, but nothing rock solid can really be found as far as I know.
The conversation went in all kinds of directions: Cults, Islam, and the completeness of the Bible to name a few. We finally wrapped it all up with a trip to the local Denny's, where you wait forever for everything and the service sucks. It was a good night though and I'm tired. You all have a wonderful night or day (depending on when you read this.)
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